About Us

Dr Joanna Saddington
Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Director

I have worked in the NHS for over 15 years and have extensive experience in working with adults and children experiencing psychological distress (such as depression, anxiety, grief and loss, anger, trauma, phobia).
I always try to work collaboratively with anyone coming for therapy, and approach my work in a non-judgemental and empathetic way. The types of interventions and treatments I offer are always tailored to the individual's needs and can range from exploratory work to behavioural therapy, CBT, couples counselling and relationship work, etc.
I also have a special interest in working with families and couples experiencing relationship difficulties, as well as offering support and advice to parents around behavioural difficulties.
Dr Michael Sleath
Clinical Psychologist

I have worked supporting people in a range of settings since 2010, including 5 years in the NHS. I have worked with both adults and children to help them understand the distress they experience and improve their wellbeing.
I strongly believe in working in a collaborative and compassionate way. You are the expert in understanding your situation which we can explore together. Helping you to make sense of what you are experiencing is one of the first and most powerful steps in improving wellbeing. From there we can consider the best types of interventions to help your situation. This approach helps us work together to build a theraputic relationship which is important part of recovery.
I have a specialist interest in helping people work through some of the challenges they experience in relation to their gender identity, as well as helping with difficulties around low mood and worry.
Dr Ruth Graham
Clinical Psychologist

I have worked in the NHS for over 10 years and I'm still there! In the NHS I currently work with children and families and have plenty of experience working with both children, adults and also other professionals and agencies supporting a family.
I believe psychological therapy is about figuring things out together. With this in mind I use a range of approaches, including ideas from CBT, EMDR, narrative therapy and more exploratory models.
I have a particular interest in attachment and trauma and draw heavily on theories from these fields within my work.
Our Associates
Dr Stephanie Carty
Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Alison Hutton
Counsellor & CBT Therapist

Our Collaborators

"After leaving the NHS I developed
Saddington-Spring Counselling and Psychology Services
It was my response to seeing so many cuts to Mental Health services in the UK.
I wanted to provide a service for children and adults needing timely and effective input for their emotional wellbeing".